Communication of the Leadership of the Head of Barulak Village, Tanjung Baru District, Tanah Datar Regency in Managing Village Government Policies


  • Fani Ratny Pasaribu Universitas Ekasakti Author
  • Yumi Aryati Universitas Ekasakti Author
  • Roby Hadi Putra Universitas Ekasakti Author
  • Mercya Vaguita STISIP Imam Bonjol Author
  • Nursaadah Kudri Universitas Ekasakti Author



Komunikasi, Kepemimpinan, Kebijakan, Wali Nagari


This article discusses the leadership communication of the Barulak village head in Tanjung Baru sub-district in managing village government policies in Barulak Village, Tanjung Baru District, Tanah Datar Regency. Communication problems in the leadership of the Barulak Village Head in managing village government policies are very diverse and complex. Some of the problems in Barulak Village Head are as follows: lack of effective communication, unavailability of information, rigid hierarchical communication, social media and technology, limited resources, and irregular communication patterns. The method used in this study is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are based on direct observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results of the analysis of this article are that the leadership communication of the Barulak village head has an important role in building good relationships between leaders and the community, as well as in ensuring better decision-making for the village's progress. Here are some principles and strategies of leadership communication that the village head can apply: transparency, two-way communication, delivery of vision and goals, community involvement, adaptation of communication styles, conflict management, utilization of technology, education and awareness, and consistency.


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Wawancara Wali Nagari Barulak Bapak Mulyadi DT Bandaro Bodi, pada 07 Agustus 2023, pukul 14.00 Wib.






How to Cite

Communication of the Leadership of the Head of Barulak Village, Tanjung Baru District, Tanah Datar Regency in Managing Village Government Policies. (2023). Jurnal Ilmiah Ekotrans & Erudisi, 3(1), 30-43.

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