Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Pengawasan Kerja, dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan di Bagian Produksi Tambang Biji Besi di PT. Kuatassi Kabupaten Solok


  • Irmayani Fakutas Teknik Industri, Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, Indonesia Author
  • Hary Fandeli Fakutas Teknik Industri, Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, Indonesia Author


Education, Supervision, Discipline, Productivity


All company always to achieve the expected productivity by paying attention to level of education, work supervision, and discipline of employees to maintain quality and quantity in company activities. Research aims to analyze the influence of education level, work supervision, and work discipline on productivity of employees in the iron ore mine PT. Kuatassi. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach using multiple regression analysis techniques and using primary and secondary data which is in the data of the survey results. Data collected through the poll with 20 respondents. Then done methods that include classic assumption test, hypothesis t-test and f-test, with analysis with software SPSS. The results of the T-test, study showed that the education level variable has negative effect but not significant to the work productivity, the working supervision variable affects positive and significant impact on work productivity, Work discipline variables have positive and significant impact on work productivity. The F-test results are that the variable level of education, work supervision, and work discipline has a positive and significant impact on work productivity and can mean that the variable level of education, occupational supervision, and working discipline is a significant impact on employee work productivity.




How to Cite

Irmayani, & Hary Fandeli. (2021). Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Pengawasan Kerja, dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan di Bagian Produksi Tambang Biji Besi di PT. Kuatassi Kabupaten Solok. Ekasakti Engineering Journal , 1(1), 1-9.